10 Natural Ways to Keep Spiders Away from Your Home

3 min

10 Natural Ways to Keep Spiders Away from Your Home

Even though we know that some spiders might be useful in the fight against insects, most of us would rather not have them in our homes.

To get through the winter, we try to keep spiders from coming into our home by using natural ways to scare them away. No harsh chemical sprays or exterminators, just natural ways to keep spiders out of our home.

Hedge Apples

Hedge Apples, according to ancient wives’ stories, are a natural way to keep spiders away from your home, however this has only been confirmed to work in high concentrations.
Every year, we employ this strategy and see a considerable reduction in the number of spiders in our home. We put them in areas where spiders tend to congregate, such as around entrances and in basements.

Hedge Apples


To keep spiders out of your home, plant chestnuts near your doorways and windowsills.


Essential Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil mixed with water is one of the best natural ways to prevent spiders.
Add 5 drops to a cup of hot, but not boiling, water to make it stronger. Spray the mixture into a glass spray bottle after it has cooled.

If you see spiders trying to get into your home through windows, doors, or any other openings, spray the area with the repellant. The oil of peppermint can also be used this way: dab 5-6 drops on ground up corn cobs or cotton balls, and then place them in fabric favor bags about your house in strategic locations.

To keep spiders out of your homes, put these traps in strategic locations such as around doors, beneath cupboards, and sinks. Once a week, mist the bags with a mixture of peppermint and water. Only use peppermint essential oil that has been purified to its purest form.

Essential Peppermint Oil

Garlic Repellant Spray

Boiling two or three garlic cloves yields an effective repellent spray. Allow to cool after simmering for ten minutes. Spray the outside door frames and window sills once a week with the mixture in a glass spray bottle.

Garlic Repellant Spray

Eucalyptus Sprigs

Spread eucalyptus leaves around the outside of your house to keep spiders away. The pungent smell repels spiders, who will seek refuge elsewhere.

Eucalyptus Sprigs


If you have a flower bed near your house, consider scattering dried cilantro seeds throughout it. Spider mites will also be deterred by the presence of these plants.

cilantro seeds

Neem/Tea Tree Oil

Add 2 tablespoons of dish soap to 2 cups of warm water. Then add 5 drops of tea tree oil and 1 ounce of neem oil. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and shake well. Spray spider-infested regions with insecticide.

spray Neem Tea Tree Oil

Citrus Peel

Cut the peel off of your orange (or other citrus fruit) into small pieces. Pour one cup of boiling water over half of the chunks in a medium saucepan.

Overnight, let them soak. Immediately after soaking, sift chunks of witch hazel into water and let soak overnight.

Spray the mixture into a bottle and shake thoroughly. Use a pestle to extract the citrus aroma from the orange peels you still have and then scatter the pieces around the house, especially in spots where spiders are known to visit, such as cabinets and under sinks.

Citrus Peel


Vinegar has a plethora of beneficial properties, one of which is its ability to keep spiders at bay.

Combine equal parts vinegar and water in a spray container and mix thoroughly. Take a spritzer and apply it directly to the spiders themselves and their webs.

Closets, corners, and window sills can all benefit from a coat of paint. Make sure to clean the floor around the doors, especially the cracks and crevices.



Put a cinnamon spray on pine cones or sprinkle some cinnamon on your home’s exterior or base.

In addition to keeping spiders away, this will also make your home smell wonderful! If you sprinkle it along the spider’s entry point (door thresholds), according to folklore, they won’t cross it.


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