11 Most Healthy Herbs That Grow from Cuttings

4 min

11 Most Healthy Herbs That Grow from Cuttings

No doubt that herbs are among the most popular plants to grow indoors and outdoors. There are several reasons behind their popularity including being among the healthiest plants and having several uses.

Herbs are easy to grow, most of the have low growth requirements. However, there are two ways of growing herbs. You can grow them either from seeds or from cuttings.

Growing herbs from seeds could be challenging as not all seeds are available whereas you can cut a part of the plant you want to grow anytime. Therefore, in this article we have listed the best herbs that grow from cuttings and cutting types.


One of the most aromatic plants in the world. It could be used fresh or dried in food to give it a special flavor. The plant loves warmth and it usually grow in moderate warm climates.

To grow oregano, you only need to cut a part of the stem with a few leaves. Cut the bottom leaves and plant it.

 Bee Balm

 Bee Balm

Bee Balm is one of the most wonderful plants in the world. This herb that carries bright flowers that attract butterflies and possess a minty refreshing fragrance. The herb is popular and used in kitchens and medicine too. To grow this this plant from cuttings, please follow the below tips:

  • Cut 6 inches from any Bee Balm that is not bearing flowers
  • Remove the bottom leaves
  • Immerse the cutting in rooting hormone. 
  • Plant the cutting two inches deep.



Marjoram is a very popular herb in southern Europea and North Africa. It is commonly used in cooking as a spice to add flavor to a variety of dishes. Besides the unique flavor, the plant has many health benefits.

Growing Marjoram from cuttings is better than growing it from seeds. The growth process from seeds is slower than from cuttings. You will lose 2 weeks on germination alone. You will need an at least 6 inches cutting that has 4 to 6 leaves on the top.


One of the oldest herbs in the world, Thyme has been used in food and medicine since its discovery.

When you’re going to cut a cutting, cut at the point of one nods of the stem where leaves grow. This is recommended to promote growth. 


Not only healthy but also ornamental and grows in shades. It is an excellent choice for an indoor plant.

Growing this plant from seeds takes a lot of time and patience. Therefore, we recommend starting this plant from 3-6 inches non-flowering, pinch off all leaves leaving the top 4. 



Unlike most herbs in our article, parsley requires attention and care to be grown successfully from cuttings. Cut a 5 inches tall stem that contains some leaves on top. Plant it in good quality soil and keep watering the plant regularly to maintain moisture.

Place the pot next to a windows shell as this plant need at least 6 hours of indirect sunlight daily. 


Lavender plant

A warmth loving plant that can tolerate drought and to certain extent poor growing conditions.

The herb has a shallow rooting system so you can plant it in small 4 to 6 inches pots. When you cut the lavender plant, soap it rooting hormone then plant it.

Sweet Woodruff

A herb that is used in making May wine, covering ground and an addition to food. Sweet Woodruff is one of the recommended herbs to grow. It is a short herb with beautiful white flowers.

You can use it as a ground cover. Additionally, it grows in light and shadow making it one of the best ground covers that grow in shade.


This herb is used in most essential oils for its health benefits and refreshing fragrance.

Growing sage from cuttings successfully is an easy mission that can be accomplished with a 2 to 3 inches cutting, a spot where the cutting can get sunlight and regular watering.


how to grow mint indoors

Mint needs no introduction; it is one of the most used and common herbs in the world.

It is known for its antioxidant properties and it can be used in different recipes and drinks. You can grow mint from cuttings in water or soil. Both have a good success rate.


How To Grow Basil In Water?

Whenever we talk about herbs, Basil has to make its way into the list. Basil is the herb that anyone can grow and enjoy its several benefits.

If you’re a beginner gardener, this is what you should start with. If you’re an experienced gardener, this is a must have herb.

Final Words

These are the best herbs that you can grow from cuttings. To increase your chances of success, make sure you choose softwood cuttings (from green stem) rather than hardwood cuttings (from brown stem).

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