14 cold-tolerant tropical plants to adorn your garden

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14 cold-tolerant tropical plants to adorn your garden

If you live in a cold climate, that should not stop you from having a beautiful tropical garden. There are some tropical plants that can tolerate cold climates. These plants are beautiful, decorative and most of all easy to grow. You can even grow some of them in containers. Go ahead scroll down and check out these amazing cold-tolerant tropical plants.

  1. Bamboos


Bamboos love warmth and heat. It usually grows in tropical regions. Bamboos are extremely tough plants. They are so strong that they can even grow in cold climates. However, not all varieties of Bamboos are cold-tolerant. Therefore, make sure to choose the right variety.

2. Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise is one of the best cold-tolerant tropical plants. They are extremely large and dramatic. Growing them in your garden will give it a fabulous tropical look. Although you can find them naturally in tropical climates, you can also grow them basically in any kind of climate. However, you will be able to grow it only in containers so you can move it around to meet with her sunlight needs.

3. Colocasia

cold-tolerant plants: Colocasia

Colocasia is also known as Pink China is one of the toughest cold-tolerant tropical plants. You can easily grow it in cold climates as long as you provide it with a lot of mulch and organic matter. Pink China does not need much watering. It is not a problem to forget about watering it for a while.

4. Palms

cold-tolerant tropical plants: Palms

Palms are one of the most recommended cold-tolerant tropical plants. They are very beautiful. They are a perfect choice to decorate your garden, yard, or even pool. There are many varieties of palms to grow in cold climates. We recommend the following varieties:

  • Needle palm
  • windmill palm
  • sago palm

5. Hibiscus


Hibiscus is one of the most popular cold-tolerant tropical plants. The reason why hibiscus is popular and coveted is that these plants are extremely ornamental and low maintenance. They are easy to grow and they will make your garden colorful. You will enjoy a delightful view every time you step into your garden.

6. Canna

cold-tolerant tropical plants: Canna

Canna is another easy to grow cold-tolerant tropical plants. You can grow it in containers or in gardens. It is a recommended choice for beginner gardeners as it is almost impossible to fail to grow this decorative plant. Canna is distinguished by its great foliage show and gaudy flowers. You can protect this plant from Frost by mulching heavily.

7. Ferns


If you want to make your garden look like a tropical garden, then you should definitely grow fern. However, not all fern varieties are cold-tolerant. The most ornamental fern varieties that can tolerate cold are:

  • Western maidenhair fern
  • Lady fern
  • Christmas fern
  • Western sword fern
  • polypody

8. Agapanthus

Image result for Agapanthus garden

This herbaceous perennial is not only beautiful and decorative but it is also extremely tough. It is almost indestructible. It can basically grow in any climate whether it is tropical, temperate or cold. Agapanthus has a beautiful blue color. It will make your garden looks so peaceful and calm.

9. Hostas

Image result for Hostas garden

Hostas are commonly used as are ground covers. Hostas are distinguished by their huge foliage that comes in a variety of colors. Hostas are very attractive. They have an extremely pleasant look. Besides, they are so big that they will definitely draw attention to your garden.

10. Bougainvillea

Image result for Bougainvillea garden

Bougainvillea is one of the most alluring cold-tolerant tropical plants. This perennial is very tough and it looks like a bouquet of flowers but it is not a flower. It has nice papers that look like flower papers. Bougainvillea is not as cold-tolerant as the rest of the plants on this list, thus, when temperature degrees fall down sharply in winter, you should move it inside.

11. Hardy Banana

banana in tropical garden'

These tropical plants will give any garden a hot and attractive tropical look. They are very elegant and eye-grabbing. However, only one variety of these plants can tolerate cold which is Musa basjoo. It is a tough ornamental plant that can be grown in containers too.

12. Yucca

cold hardy tropical plants

There are many varieties of Yucca but not all of them can be grown in cold climates. In fact, there is only one variety that you can grow in cold climates, Beaked Yucca. Beaked Yucca is also known as Yucca Rostrata. It is an exotic plant that will give a unique appearance to your garden. If you want to grow Yucca, you should protect from moisture in winter.

13. Japanese silver grass

Image result for Japanese silver grass garden

These plants are an ideal choice to decorate gardens and pathways. They are low maintenance and easy to grow. Besides, they can tolerate both heat and frost.

14. Mandevilla

tropical flowers

Although this is not a cold-tolerant plant, but it can grow in temeprate climates if it is provided with protection in winter. Therefore, you should grow it in containers so you can move it indoors in winter.

These are the best and the most ornamental cold-tolerant tropical plants. These plants are easy to grow and they will definitely beautify your garden.

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