6 Tips And Tricks For Your Herb Garden

3 min

6 Tips And Tricks For Your Herb Garden

Follow these Herb Growing Secrets Only Experienced Gardeners Know to enjoy a flavorful harvest all year round with intense fragrance!

Growing herbs is easy but making sure they have the best taste, thrive well, and maintain the rich flavor can be tricky. To help you, we bring you the best kept Herb Growing Secrets Only Experienced Gardeners Know!

Grow What You Need

6 Tips And Tricks For Your Herb Garden

There are many types of herbs available in the market and you’ll be surprised that mint alone has hundreds of varieties!

It is always a good idea to choose the right one to grow, according to your needs and requirements, as in that way, you will be able to grow and maintain the plant in a much better way.

Avoid Rich Soil

6 Tips And Tricks For Your Herb Garden

This is one of the biggest secrets of growing herbs. Avoid using a rich growing medium that’s high in nutrients. Also, do not fertilize these plants more often as it will result in more foliage but less flavor.

Pick a growing medium that offers the best drainage, is well-aerated, and has a neutral pH value.

Get Starter Herb Plants

6 Tips And Tricks For Your Herb Garden

Starting herbs from seed is possible and many people opt for it, but it can take a lot of time to reach the harvesting stage. For a considerable less amount, you can buy started plants of rosemary, thyme, sage, basil, English lavender, and parsley.

This will give you a head start and you will begin harvesting them in no time! Also, it would be a nice idea to go for less common varieties.

Pruning is a Must!

6 Tips And Tricks For Your Herb Garden

Pruning herbs make them bushy, full and boost the growth of new leaves.

  • It is important to stop the herbs like basil and dill from growing flowers, as the plant then will divert its energy into making more blooms. Pinch the flower buds as you see them—it will promote the lush growth of leaves.

  • Do not forget to pinch the tips of the stems of the herbs while harvesting the leaves. This will make the plant grow two new branches, which will ultimately grow new sets of leaves, making the plant bushy.


6 Tips And Tricks For Your Herb Garden

You can plant herbs quickly through stems! This will make you have multiple herbs, which will give you more harvest!

All you have to do is to take 3-4 inches long cuttings from the non-flowering stem. Remove the bottom foliage, place the cuttings in a glass of water and keep them on a sunny windowsill. The plant will root in just two-four weeks. When roots develop, plant the cuttings in a separate planter.

Don’t Grow Herbs in Shade

6 Tips And Tricks For Your Herb Garden

Keep herbs where they can bask in direct sunlight for at least 2-3 hours daily. Growing them in shade will result in lesser growth and flavor. For herbs like lavender, rosemary, thyme, and basil, the more light they will get, the better it will be for their growth.

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