8 Top Tips for Balcony Gardening

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8 Top Tips for Balcony Gardening

Growing plants on balcony employed similar method most of the times. If you’re a balcony gardener then these basic tips will help you to grow plants on balcony.

8 Tips How to Grow Plants on Balcony

8 Top Tips for Balcony Gardening
  • For good drainage, use best quality potting soil and mix perlite in it, instead of adding gravels and pebbles in the bottom of pot.
    If growing plants that prefers alkaline soil, use limestone (including marble) for drainage in the bottom as this type of drainage is good for plants that grows in higher pH level.

  • Grow balcony plants on good potting mix or rich soil, enriched with slow release organic fertilizers, also include hydrogel crystals if you have a windy balcony or you don’t want to water plants frequently, as it absorbs water and prevents soil from drying out early.
    The soil must be slightly acidic – most balcony plants need soil with pH level around 5.5-6.5.

  • For abundant growth, balcony plants should be removed from the pots in which they are grown for long time and should be repotted in a new container, if necessary.
    Check if plants are root bound and have a compact root system and if the roots are peeking out through the holes in the bottom of the container or on the surface.
    While transplanting seedlings, remove them gently with small amount of previous soil attached to them, take care of their delicate roots.

  • Always place the plants in new containers at the same depth and level at which they were growing in previous pot.

  • Water abundantly to recently transplanted plants or young seedlings and put them on a shady place until the plant stables (when plant indicates a healthy look and a few leaves or tips of young shoots appear). You can water newly planted plant with 1 tablespoon epsom salt mixed in one gallon water to avoid transplanting shock.

  • Fertilize plants regularly with all purpose balanced fertilizer and blooming fertilizer to flowering plants according to the product instruction. *Care not to over-fertilize plants.

  • Do regular and deep watering to encourage deep and healthy roots in your plants, but only when plants needs to be watered, in a way so that the roots have not been remain wet for a long time. Best to water plants in morning.

  • If your balcony is windy , soil may loose moisture frequently. To help soil retain moisture do mulching and plant those plants that grows well in windy balcony. Also try to place your pot on less windy spot.

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