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Discover the Ultimate Fall Garden Secrets: Unveiling the Must-Plant Veggies for a Bountiful Harvest!

6 min


As summer comes to an end and the last of the summer produce fades away, it’s time to start planning for a bountiful fall and early winter harvest. If you missed out on planting a vegetable garden in the spring, don’t worry! There are plenty of vegetables and flowers that thrive in the cooler temperatures of autumn. Plus, fall gardens are less susceptible to diseases and insect infestations compared to spring or early summer crops.

Fall Gardening Tips

  • Late summer, specifically August and September, is the ideal time to start a fall vegetable garden in most regions.
  • Once you have harvested your summer vegetables, remove the plants and compost them.
  • Whenever possible, choose early-maturing varieties to allow the plants to establish themselves before the first frost.

If you don’t have enough time to plant seeds before the first frost in your area, you can opt for transplants (young seedlings) instead, which are readily available at most garden centers.


Beets should be planted about 8-12 weeks before the average first fall frost date for your area. They thrive in soil with a pH level of 7.0 to 7.5 and prefer full sun, although they can tolerate some shade. Plant the seeds ½ inch deep and about 2 inches apart. Keep the soil moist and mulch as needed. Mulching helps keep the soil cool, resulting in sweeter roots. Beets do best in cool weather and can even tolerate a frost, which actually enhances their flavor.


Bok Choy (Chinese Cabbage)

Bok choy, also known as “siu bak choy” in Chinese, is a cruciferous vegetable that is easy to grow and matures quickly in cooler weather (around 50 days, depending on the variety). Sow the seeds 8 to 10 weeks before the first fall frost is expected. Space them about 6-7 inches apart in your garden bed. Bok choy produces a head similar to romaine lettuce and has tender, crisp, and mild-flavored leaves. Harvest the leaves as they become ready, ensuring that the plants have thick white stalks and dark green leaves along the top edges. Bok choy can be stored for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator, but for longer storage, you can prop them up in sand in a cool root cellar for up to 2 months.



Broccoli seeds should be planted 10 to 12 weeks before the first frost. It takes 1 to 2.5 weeks for the seeds to sprout. If you prefer transplants, they can be planted several weeks later than seeds and should be spaced approximately 15 inches apart in a fall garden. Once the plants have grown a few inches above the soil, mulch around them to keep them cool. Broccoli thrives in cooler weather and can tolerate a mild fall frost. The ideal temperatures for broccoli growth are around 70˚F during the day and no lower than 60˚F at night.



Cabbage is a hardy vegetable that thrives in cool weather, making it perfect for your fall garden. Plant cabbage seeds 10 to 12 weeks before the first frost in soil with a pH level of 7.0 to 7.5 and in full sun. Plant the seeds 1/2 inch deep and space them 1.5 feet apart. There is no need to thin the plants later. Mulch the plants to keep the soil cool and water them frequently. Harvest the cabbage when the heads are hard and round, and before a hard freeze. Once harvested, cabbage can be stored for 2 to 3 months at temperatures between 32˚F and 40˚F.



Carrots thrive in loose, rock-free, and well-draining soil with a pH level of 6 to 7. A raised bed filled with well-worked soil and compost is ideal for growing carrots. Sow the seeds about 1/2 inch apart in furrows that are 3/4 inch deep. Keep the soil moist and mist it with water until the seedlings appear. Moisture is important to prevent the carrots from becoming bitter. Once the plants reach a height of 2 inches, thin them out, leaving at least 3 inches between each plant. After thinning, mulch around the seedlings to retain moisture in the soil. Harvest the carrots as soon as they are large enough to eat. To make harvesting easier, water the ground to soften it and release the carrots easily. Instead of harvesting all the carrots at once, you can leave some in the garden bed under a thick layer of straw or mulch. They can stay in the ground until December, and their flavor improves with a hard frost. Cover them with hay to keep them warm.


Leafy Greens

Leafy greens like lettuce, spinach, and kale thrive in the fall and can be planted before mid-September for a fall and winter harvest. Plant the seeds 8 weeks before the first frost, sowing them 1 inch deep and 3 inches apart. Keep the soil moist. It’s important to ensure that the temperature does not exceed 80 degrees after planting spinach, as it may prevent germination. However, certain lettuce varieties can handle higher temperatures. Kale will have a sweeter flavor if grown in the fall, especially if it is left in the ground through a light frost.



Leeks are quite hardy and can survive even during a winter freeze. Plant them around mid-to-late August or even into September.



Radishes are perfect for fall as they thrive in cool weather and mature quickly. They can be grown in most soil types, but they do best in loose, sandy loam with a pH level of 5 to 7. Radishes prefer partial shade. You can typically plant radishes through September or one month before the first frost. Plant the seeds ½ inch deep, spacing them about one inch apart. Radishes require moisture to germinate, so continue to water them frequently, especially during hot summer weather. Most radish varieties are ready to harvest in less than a month.


Sugar Snap Peas/Snow Peas

Sugar snap peas and snow peas can tolerate frost, although it’s best to plant them before the soil temperature drops below 45 degrees.



Parsnips can stay in the ground all winter and actually taste better after several frosts. Just cover them with hay or mulch before the snow starts.



Turnips are another great fall root vegetable that matures quickly (around 2 months) and can survive even in cold climates.


Flowers: Chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums are hardy and easy-to-grow perennials that can withstand light frosts and continue blooming with bright and cheery flowers. To ensure optimal growth, plant them in an area where their roots have room to spread out (18-30 inches) and receive plenty of sunlight. Many varieties of chrysanthemums can even survive the winter, although it is recommended to mulch them once the temperature drops.



Pansies are annual flowers that bloom in the fall and even winter in warmer climates, although they won’t survive a hard frost.

If you want to attract butterflies and other insects, consider planting goldenrod, which does not cause hay fever despite popular belief. Goldenrod’s tall, spiky clusters of yellow flowers also contrast well with the colorful, daisy-like blooms of asters, which continue to bloom through October.


Spring Bulbs


If you want daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, or lilies blooming in early spring, you’ll need to plan ahead and plant the bulbs in late September and October. This allows them to establish roots over the winter. It’s best to plant bulbs when the ground has cooled but before it freezes. This usually happens when evening temperatures are in the 40s and 50s, around the time of the first frost. Avoid planting bulbs when the soil is too wet and warm, as it may cause mildew. If you want to ensure you get the varieties you want, you can buy your bulbs early and store them in a cool and dark area until it’s time to plant them.


Remember to consider the number of days required for a plant to mature and the time you have until the first frost when planning your fall garden. Happy gardening!

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