How To Plant, Grow, and Care for Asian lilies

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How To Plant, Grow, and Care for Asian lilies
How To Plant, Grow, and Care for Asian lilies

The Asiatic Lily ( Lilium spp), hardy and hardy, returns from year to year to the gardener’s delight. Its star-shaped flowers, of remarkable finesse, occupy a special place in summer bouquets.

The Asian lily in 3 tips

” Plant the bulbs deep to allow adventitious roots to form

Monitor and limit populations of the Lily beetle

Stake the stems if necessary or let the plant rest on its neighbors ”

Asiatic lily: description

How To Plant, Grow, and Care for Asian lilies

The bulb of the Asiatic lily is covered with fleshy scales. Like all bulbs, it emits many roots at the base but in its case also on the top: these roots are said to be adventitious. This is the reason why planting requires greater depth than other flower bulbs.

The developing stem, densely lined with short, narrow leaves, can reach up to a meter in height.

The f their lily Asia appear in clusters at the top. They open in a star upwards, which allows you to take full advantage of them.

However, under the weight of this beautiful bloom, the stems tend to bend.

One or more discreet stakes are therefore sometimes useful to ensure a straight hold but also to provide better resistance to the wind.

The flowers, single or double depending on the variety (like those of the Asian Lily Elodie pictured here), exhale a sweet scent but are not necessarily honey.

Asian lily culture

The Asian lily appreciates drained, light and rich soils. Waterlogged land rots its roots. In clay gardens, mix sand with the original soil to lighten it and improve its drainage.

Avoid planting in really chalky soil. Prefer then a culture in pot, the Asian lily lends itself well to it.

Choose a location in the sun or partial shade, sheltered from the prevailing winds.

Asian lily plantation

2 planting periods emerge:

  • In autumn (October), the earth is still warm and easy to work. The bulbs thus have time to set up their root system before winter. The lilies planted at this time bloom earlier the following year (May-June).
  • In early spring, between the beginning of March and mid-April. Flowering then occurs later, from mid-June and July.

Whatever the planting period, bury the bulbs 15 centimeters deep and 20 centimeters apart in loosened soil, previously enriched with a shovel of compost.

Asiatic lily care

If necessary, lay a mulch of dry clippings or fragmented rameal wood at the feet to keep the soil cool. Water regularly, without soaking.

Stake the stems discreetly with discreet perennial stakes from the start of their growth. They will resist better to gusts of wind. On the other hand, the lilies placed in the heart of the flower beds do not need stakes, they are supported by neighboring plants.

Remove faded flowers as you go. However, keep a great length of stem and a maximum of leaves so that the bulb can replenish its reserves.

Wait for the foliage and stem to dry completely before cleaning the plant.

How To Plant, Grow, and Care for Asian lilies

Pot culture

The lily Asian likes in pots large diameters. Fill the container with a draining mixture consisting of 1/3 potting soil, 1/3 garden soil and 1/3 sand. Check especially that the bottom is drilled, if not, do it. Also lay out a layer of gravel or clay balls so that the excess water can quickly drain away.

Diseases and enemies

The main enemy of lilies asia tick is a small insect, the C riocère of lilies . In its bright red livery, this beetle does not go unnoticed on the rather dark foliage of the plant. It is especially its larva, more discreet, which causes havoc by devouring the leaves.


In pots, on a balcony, a terrace or to embellish a corner of the garden, Asiatic lilies can be used on their own. In the ground, they go well with the rosebushes with vivid flowers of which they elegantly occupy the feet. In the beds, they can also be associated with blue hydrangeas, white Hydrangeas on which they will rest or even daylilies , with such similar flowers. Finally, the agapanthus , with flowers quite similar but smaller, offer blue tints to dare the contrast.

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