Make Your Own Fertilizer from Banana Peels: 9 Gardening Uses for Banana Peels

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Make Your Own Fertilizer from Banana Peels - 9 Gardening Uses for Banana Peels

Compost never ceases to astound me. Your food wastes, bacteria, and air are combined with dried yard scraps, and voila! You’ve got black gold that will make your plants grow like crazy.

Because of this, I’m awed by banana peels, too. Instead of throwing away the peel, I use it to make banana peel fertilizer by combining it with water and time. If you have a vegetable garden, banana peels are probably the most useful kitchen scrap.

The lowly banana peel in Mario Kart turns out to be a tremendous gold mine in the horticultural world.

I hope you’ll never throw away another banana peel after reading this essay.

What is the deal with banana peel fertilizer?

What is the deal with banana peel fertilizer

Almost every gardener is familiar with the macronutrient trinity — nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

These three nutrients are absolutely necessary for plant growth and health. So much so that the fertilizer grade is always printed on the package of commercially manufactured fertilizers.

Of course, each plant’s nutrient requirements differ, but you’d be surprised how many of them thrive when fed banana peel fertilizer.

Why? Because banana peels are one of the most abundant sources of organic potassium available

Let’s get a little technical here.

You’ve probably heard that plants require potassium, but do you know why? Consider potassium to be the plant’s supervisor; it aids in practically every chemical and metabolic process that occurs during a plant’s existence.

Potassium is involved in everything from transferring nutrients and water from cell to cell to directing enzymes and even contributing in photosynthesis.

Bottom line: You need potassium in your fertilizer if you want huge, robust plants with dazzling blooms or excellent fruit.

In addition to potassium, banana peels include calcium, manganese, sulfur, and magnesium, all of which are essential minerals for plant health. Each of these nutrients contributes to plant health, whether through photosynthesis, chlorophyll production, or regulating water transport between cells.

Furthermore, banana peels do not contain nitrogen, which is vital to remember if you grow tomatoes. Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and even radishes benefit from banana peel fertilizer because they have minimal nitrogen requirements.

Don’t worry though, even plants that like nitrogen will benefit from banana peel fertilizer. The calcium content of banana peels aids plant nitrogen absorption in the soil.

How to Use Banana Peels as Fertilizer?

How to Use Banana Peel Fertilizer

It is really simple to make a batch of banana peel fertilizer.


  • Banana peels
  • One-quart mason jar
  • Mason jar lid
  • Distilled water


  1. Fill a clean jar with a banana peel.
  2. Put the lid on the jar and fill it with water.
  3. Allow the mixture to settle for a week to two weeks before removing and discarding the banana peel.
  4. Dilute the finished fertilizer 1:4 with water.
  5. Enjoy happier plants and increased yields.

Double Up

Of course, you should make a large batch to keep on hand. Using a larger container and more banana peels, this recipe can easily be doubled or tripled.

How to Use Banana Peel Fertilizer?

Once a week, water your plants at the base with diluted banana peel fertilizer. Be patient as it may take many weeks to notice the effects. For the best results, start the growing season with this fertilizer and continue to apply it throughout the season.

Because I cultivate my eggplant in containers, the nutrients in the soil are soon washed away. My eggplants have been happy and productive all season thanks to banana peel fertilizer.

You’ll be surprised how effectively your plants respond to this healthy fertilizer tea. The usage of banana peel fertilizer will help tomatoes, summer squash, cucumbers, eggplants, and even roses.

Potassium Deficiency in the Garden

How to Use Banana Peel Fertilizer

Look for the following signals that your plants require a potassium boost:

  • The first indicator of potassium deficiency is obvious: yellow leaves on the bottom half of your plant.
  • Root system that is underdeveloped
  • The growth of your plant may halt or cease completely.
  • During a drought, a plant deficient in potassium will not recover effectively.
  • It is possible that the veggies produced are not maturing evenly.

More Garden Uses for Banana Peel

Although banana peel fertilizer is fantastic, it is not the only option to use banana peels in the garden. Here are even more creative uses for this everyday kitchen scrap. (What? I like a good pun.)

Bug Buster

To deter pests like aphids, spray plants with diluted banana peel fertilizer. Aphids can be kept at bay by burying cut up banana peels at the base of plants.

Apple cider vinegar and banana peels create an excellent pest trap. Fill a container halfway with apple cider vinegar and a couple of tablespoons of minced banana peel. Insert a funnel into the container to allow bugs in but not out. After 48 hours, discard and repeat the process.

Plant a Peel

Plant a Peel

Begin the season by inserting a piece of banana peel into the bottom of each hole or container as you transplant your tomatoes and other potassium-loving plants. The peel will degrade quickly, providing your plant with the nutrients it requires to thrive.

Give Seeds a Head Start

When growing seeds, use banana peels as a fertilizer. Drop the seed on top of the banana after it has been inserted into the hole. Alternatively, you can set the seed on a piece of banana peel before covering it with a layer of potting soil. Wait for the water to boil.

Banana Peel Powder

Banana peels can be dried in the oven at the lowest temperature. On a baking sheet, spread them out so they aren’t crowded together. I started by chopping mine up into 1′′ piece. They should be easy to dismantle when they’re finished.

Banana peels can also be dried out in the sun for a few days on a rack.
Use a mortar and pestle or an antique coffee grinder to crush the dried peels into a fine powder. Keep the container of banana peels sealed in a jar or baggie.

Sprinkle one or two tablespoons of the powder over the soil after loosening the soil at the base of each plant. Take care of the plant and let the banana peel do the rest.

Banana Peel Mulch

Banana Peel Mulch

Remove banana peels and place a few pieces at the base of each potassium-loving plant you’ve chosen. That’s the simplest way to accomplish it.
By decomposing, the peels are releasing nutrients into the soil where they are most needed.

Banana Peel Vinegar for Plants That Like Acidity

Banana Peel Vinegar for Plants That Like Acidity

The fermentation of the banana peels produces an acidic vinegar-like combination. This fertilizer is better for acid-loving plants like blueberries and hydrangeas than the usual banana peel fertilizer.

  1. Add the banana peel to a mason jar after it has been finely chopped.
  2. Fill the container to the top of the peels with water, then add another inch.
  3. Cheesecloth should be doubled up to cover the jar. For a week, keep the jar in a warm place.
  4. After a week, discard the peels and replace the cheesecloth in the jar. One further month of fermentation is recommended.
  5. Fertilize plants that demand acidic soil on a biweekly basis with vinegar diluted 1:1 with water.

Winter Soil Booster

Once the growing season is through, remove banana peels from your garden by tilling or digging them up. During the winter, the peels decompose and restore your soil’s nutrients.
A smoothie shop can save banana peels for you if you have a lot of space in your garden.

Wipe Houseplant Leaves

Banana Peel Vinegar for Plants That Like Acidity

Over time, dust accumulates on the leaves of houseplants, reducing their ability to absorb sunlight and produce food. This can limit their growth.
Gently clean your houseplant’s leaves using the inside of a banana peel.

If Everything Else Fails, Compost Them

Banana peels, like many other vegetable and fruit leftovers, can be composted. When compared to other food scraps, banana peels decompose much more quickly in the compost bin. Add banana peels to your compost if you have nothing better to do with them.

Banana Peel Tips

If you reside in an area where pests are a problem, you may want to avoid putting banana peels directly on your plants. Banana peel fertilizer or banana peel powder may be a better solution.
For those who aren’t a fan of bananas, you can ask local smoothie shops to save the peels for you. Ask your local supermarket if they have any bananas that are past their sell-by date.

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