The Best 8 Home and Natural Remedies for Toothache

3 min

The Best 8 Home and Natural Remedies for Toothache

If you’re experiencing pain in your teeth, it’s vital that you identify the cause. Once you know the cause, you can take the necessary steps to alleviate the associated pain, swelling, or other symptoms.

Please consult your dentist if your symptoms last longer than a day or two. You should also see your dentist before using any of the following cures if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition that may be affected by herbal substances.

Saltwater rinse

Many people get immediate relief from using a saltwater rinse. Saltwater is naturally antiseptic and can be used to dislodge debris and food from in between your teeth. In addition to relieving pain, rinsing with Saltwater can help heal sore gums and other dental injuries.

To apply this method, dissolve half a teaspoon (tsp) of salt in a cup of warm water and gargle with it.

Saltwater rinse

Hydrogen peroxide rinse

It has been suggested that rinsing with hydrogen peroxide could reduce swelling and pain. Hydrogen peroxide not only kills bacteria but also helps get rid of plaque and stop bleeding gums.

Be sure to dilute the hydrogen peroxide before using it. To achieve this, create a mouthwash by mixing % hydrogen peroxide with water. Don’t swallow it.

Hydrogen peroxide rinse

Cold compress

If you’ve experienced trauma that’s triggered your toothache, a cool compress can help ease the pain. The local blood vessels contract when a cold compress is applied. The intensity of pain is reduced. Also, inflammation and swelling might be diminished by the cold.

Applying ice to the area for 20 minutes at a time while it is wrapped in a towel is one method. It is safe to do this every few hours.

Cold compress

Peppermint tea bags

A peppermint tea bag placed on sore gums will help numb the area and reduce swelling.

To do this, you need first to remove the heat from a used tea bag before placing it on the area that needs healing. It should still feel slightly warm.

Alternately, you may utilize this not to warm the environment but rather to cool it. You can do this by placing a used tea bag in the freezer for a few minutes to chill it, and then applying the bag to the tooth.

Peppermint tea bags


Garlic’s healing powers have been known and utilized for centuries. Not only does it have the ability to alleviate pain, but it also has the potential to eliminate the germs that produce tooth plaque.

To use, make a paste out of a crushed garlic clove and apply it topically. A pinch of salt wouldn’t hurt, either. Another option is to chew a fresh garlic clove slowly.

garlic paste

Vanilla extract

Since alcohol is a component of vanilla extract, it can serve as a pain reliever. Aside from being a potent antioxidant, it also has healing effects.

Using a cotton swab or the tip of your finger, apply a small amount of vanilla extract. Just dab it on the sore spot a few times a day.

Vanilla extract

Clove oil

Because clove oil efficiently numbs pain and reduces inflammation, it has been used throughout history to cure toothaches. Natural antiseptic eugenol is included in the formula.

Clove oil can be applied to the affected area by dabbing a tiny amount onto a cotton ball and then rubbing it in. Before using clove oil, it’s recommended to dilute it with a carrier oil, such as olive oil or water. Repeat many times a day for the best results.

A mouthwash can be made by combining a few drops of clove oil with a small amount of water in a glass.

Clove oil

Temporary filling paste

In the event of a broken tooth or cavity, it can be used to patch up the damage and eliminate any rough spots.

Temporary filling paste

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