14 Plants to Grow in Summer: Heat loving plants

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The best plants to grow in summer: Heat loving plants

Summer has already come and it is the time when we spend most of our time outside partying with friends and having dinners with family. Thus, having a beautiful outdoor garden is necessary to enjoy our outdoor time. The best way to have a beautiful garden is to plant your garden with summer plants.

However, not all plants are suitable to grow outdoors in summer. Some plants cannot endure the heat and they may not fruit or even worse they may die. Therefore, in this article, we will provide with a list of the best plants to grow in summer so you could enjoy your garden.

1. Sweet potatoes

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Sweet potatoes are definitely one of the best plants to grow in summer. This delicious vegetable thrives in heat and ripens in no more than 90 days. It is easy to grow and does not require much attention and care. Besides, this veggie is extremely healthy and tasty.

2. Southern peas

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Southern peas or cowpeas are amazing heat-loving plants. They are one of the most popular plants to use in the kitchen. They are extremely versatile; you could eat them fresh or add them to your cooking. In some countries, they are a very wanted salad, expensive too. Most of all, after harvesting and drying them, you could store them for months for later uses.

Besides being delicious, Southern peas are also beautiful. Their colors vary from green to red making your garden colorful and attractive. If you want edible decor for your garden, they are definitely a good choice.

3. Yard Long Beans

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Just like the Southern peans, Yard long peans are ideal summer plants. They love sun and warmth because they help them grow faster and yield better. They are distinguished by their amazing sweet flavor. Growing long bean is extremely beneficial. They will not only produce heavily, but they will also provide shades for other crops you are growing.

In addition, planting Yard long beans are very appealing to the eye. Their soft green color and long stripes of beans will add an extra charm and elegance to your garden.

4. Hot peppers

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All hot peppers can grow in summer but not all of them productive in summer. If you wish to grow hot peppers, you should choose small varieties. In contrast to larger varieties, small hot peppers varieties thrive better in heat and thus produce more.

5. Green beans

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Green beans love the warmth and high-temperature degrees. There are two main varieties of green beans. If you want a variety that grows quickly you should opt for the bush variety. If you prefer a long-lasting production, you should definitely choose pole beans. Either way, easy growth, and generous productivity are guaranteed if you plant them in summer. If beans are one of your favorite foods, you should consider growing garbanzo beans and pinto beans. 

6. Okra

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Okra is one of the toughest vegetables. It loves heat and it endures drought. In fact, it can tolerate many other poor growing conditions. What makes it a good choice for a summer garden is its high productivity and unique remarkable shape.

7. Zucchini Squash

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Although there are summer zucchini squash and winter zucchini squash, both grow better and thrive faster in warm and hot environments. In fact, June and July are the best months to transplant them into your garden. Zucchini squash is delicate and needs your constant attention. Be careful of squash vine borers. In order to protect your plant from it, cover its stem with soil while it matures.

8. Eggplant

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Eggplant is the most productive member of the solanaceous family. Although most members of this family such as tomatoes and potatoes grow in heat, eggplant is a better choice because this veggie is generously productive when it is grown in summer. This plant doesn’t require much care except watching out for flea beetles. If you ever notice some on your plants, treat them with pyrethrin insecticide.

9. Malabar Spinach

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This vining plant is one of the most popular ingredients for salads. It has extremely beautiful delicious foliage. This plant adores heat and it requires at least 90F temperature degree for optimum growth. Spinach can also be grown indoors. Follow these instructions to learn how.

10. Cucumbers

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Cucumbers are widely known as a summer vegetable. They need regular watering to keep the soil moist and consistent fertilizing because they are heavy feeders. But, they are also heavy producers. A few plants of cucumbers will supply you with salads for a quite long time. You could either grow cucumbers directly in your garden or you could grow them vertically if you lack space.

11. Corn

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Corn is popular during summer. It is commonly barbecued for its lovely taste. Growing corn during summer is an easy task. This plant is a low maintenance veggie. All you need to do is to water it on regular basis and occasionally check it for warms. If you lack the adequate space for growing corn in your garden, you could always grow corn in containers.

12. Melons

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Melons are widely loved and desired. They are juicy, delicious and refreshing. All varieties of melons including cantaloupe, honeydew, and watermelons are perfect to grow outdoors in summer. If you don’t have a large space available in your garden, you should grow bushy melons as they grow smaller than other melon types.

13. Salvia

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If you are not looking for growing edible plants, there some decorative plants to grow in your garden in summer. Perhaps, Salvia is one of the best summer ornaments. Salvia is among the low-maintenance plants. It tolerates drought and can survive a few days without water.

14. Yarrow

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Yarrow is another decorative plant that will make your garden colorful. Yarrow is popular due to its beautiful multi-colors. The best part about growing these plants in your garden is that they will bloom all summer long. Besides, Yarrow is also a drought-tolerant flower that requires only occasional watering. If you wish to know more about drought tolerant flowers, please read this article.

These are the best edible and decorative plants to grow in your garden during summer. These plants love the summer heat and they will thrive and produce a generous yield. Most of these plants are better grown now. Don’t hesitate and start your summer garden.

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