8 Beautiful plants to reduce humidity and decorate your place

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8 Beautiful plants to reduce humidity and decorate your place

Humidity in your house is a serious problem. Besides making everything sticky and skin clammy, it also makes the air you are breathing bad for your health. The best solution to fight humidity is to grow dehumidifying plants. They will clean your indoor air as well as remove stickiness and extra moisture. Therefore, in this post, we have included the most beautiful plants to reduce humidity. These plants are also very decorative. Scroll down and check them out.

1. Xerophytes

This is one of the best plants to reduce humidity. The xerophyte is also one of the toughest succulent plants that can grow under any condition. It can tolerate both heat and cold. It is distinguished by its hairy or waxy leaves and thick stems. Growing this plant indoors will keep your indoor air clean and will reduce the humidity. The most recommended Xerophytes are:

  • Cacti
  • Aloes
  • Euphorbias

2. Epiphytes

These plants are very unique. They don’t need soil to grow as they can grow harmlessly on other plants or objects. They feed on the moisture and nutrients in the air. Thus, they are a perfect decorative choice. Besides, they are one of the best plants to reduce humidity. We strongly recommend one of the following Epiphytes:

  • bromeliads
  • orchids
  • Mosses

3. Tillandsia

This is one of the most beautiful air plants. Tillandsia belongs to the bromeliads family. It is quite effective in reducing humidity since this ornamental plant absorbs nutrients and moisture from the air itself. Besides being effective in reducing humidity, Tillandsia is showy and eye-grabbing which makes it an ideal choice for a houseplant.

4. Peace Lily

The peace lily is a very popular houseplant. People grow it because it is very beautiful and it purifies the air. But what most people don’t know about this attractive plant is that it can reduce the humidity. Peace lily loves moisture and even if it is getting enough water it will absorb the moisture from the air.

Moreover, this gorgeous plant will purify your indoor air by removing traces of alcohol, acetone, benzene, and other air pollutants. Peace Lily is easy to grow. You will only need to provide it with a small amount of sun, regular watering, and occasional fertilizing. These are enough for Peace Lily to grow and thrive.

5. Boston Fern

Boston fern is one of the most superb plants to reduce humidity. Boston fern is a decorative houseplant. It is mainly grown for its alluring exotic shape and slender arching fronds. Besides its ornamental value, Boston fern is a great air dehumidifier.

You can grow This plant to decorate your indoor and to reduce humidity. Besides, it also effective in eliminating pesky air pollutants such as formaldehyde, xylene, and benzene. Thus, it will protect you from allergies and infections. For growing Bosten fern, you will need to provide it with the following conditions:

  • Warm and humid environment
  • Moist soil
  • Indirect sunlight

6. English Ivy

English Ivy is a well-known houseplant that is grown for many reasons such as cleaning the air from pollutants like formaldehyde. This lovely decorative plant is also an excellent choice to reduce humidity indoors. It is known that English Ivy, in order to fulfill its physiological needs, it absorbs moisture from the air. You can grow English Ivy in pots or hanging baskets, it is a tough adaptive plant that does not need much care.

7. Reed Palm

Reed Palm is one of the toughest and largest houseplants. Growing Reed Palm indoors is a beneficial investment. This plant will allow you to enjoy many benefits without asking for much in return. It is a very low maintenance plant.

First, Reed Palm is very beautiful and attractive. It has an extremely exotic and mystical-looking foliage that will make any corner in your house looks fabulous. Second, it does not require regular watering because unlike most plants, it absorbs water from the air rather than the soil. Thus, it will reduce the humidity. Finally, yet importantly, this gorgeous plant prevents the colonization of pathogens and allergens.

8. Spider Plant

Spider plant does not need an introduction. It is one of the most popular and coveted houseplants because of its unique attractive look and low-maintenance nature. Spider plant makes an excellent ornamental choice. It is small, beautiful, and elegant. Besides, It has the ability to remove up to 90% of harmful formaldehyde in the air.

These are the best plants to reduce humidity. These plants will absorb moisture and purify the air from air pollutants. Besides, they are very beautiful and ornamental. You should definitely try growing one of them.

Enjoy gardening!


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