Achieve a Sculpted Stomach: 8 Essential Exercises to Banish the Sagging Tummy

6 min


Dealing with a sagging tummy can be quite challenging. Achieving well-defined abdominal muscles and eliminating belly fat necessitates a multifaceted approach involving caloric reduction, clean eating, aerobic exercises, and targeted stomach exercises, in that particular sequence.

Within this article, we will present eight effective exercises for tightening a saggy belly, with the aim of firming and strengthening both your stomach and core muscles, including the deeper abdominal muscles. Remember to prioritize proper form while performing each exercise to maximize their effectiveness.

Lying Knee Tucks

The lying knee tucks exercise is specifically designed to target your lower abs and hip flexors. It consists of four distinct movements performed in sync with a counting beat.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to perform this exercise correctly:

  1. Start by lying flat on the floor, with your legs extended straight and your head slightly raised off the floor. Place your hands underneath your buttocks to help maintain a straight lumbar spine.
  2. Lift both legs off the floor, ensuring that your feet are approximately 6 inches above the ground and your knees are slightly bent. Keep your feet together throughout the exercise.
  3. Begin the movement by bringing both knees toward your chest, counting this as one. Then, straighten your legs, counting this as two.
  4. Repeat this sequence, counting three and four, to complete one repetition of the exercise.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can perform lying knee tucks accurately and effectively to target your lower abs and hip flexors.


Medicine Ball Core Twist

The medicine ball core twist is an essential resistance exercise that effectively develops strength in your abdominal core and upper body through a straightforward movement.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to performing the exercise correctly:

  1. Begin by standing with your feet hip-width apart, holding a sizable medicine ball in front of you with your arms fully extended.
  2. Initiate the movement by twisting your torso to the left as far as you can while maintaining the stability ball at chest level.
  3. Reverse the direction and smoothly rotate your torso to the right, ensuring that the ball follows a fluid line at chest level.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can confidently execute the medicine ball core twist exercise, building strength in your abdominal core and upper body.


Bicycle Crunches

The bicycle crunch is an advanced variation of the lever crunch that effectively targets and strengthens your upper abs and oblique muscles, aiding in their toning and development.

Follow this step-by-step guide to perform the bicycle crunch correctly:

  1. Start by lying on the floor and placing your fingers at your ears. Keep your elbows flared outward and bend your legs to form a 90° angle, lifting your feet in the air.
  2. Lift your shoulders and upper torso off the floor while simultaneously raising your right elbow diagonally. Bring your left knee forward towards your elbow and extend your right leg diagonally forward until your right elbow meets your left knee.
  3. Lower your torso back to the starting position and repeat the movement, this time alternating to the other side. Continue this sequence for the recommended number of repetitions.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can effectively perform the bicycle crunch exercise, targeting and strengthening your upper abs and oblique muscles for improved toning and strength.



The V-Up is an intense abdominal exercise that provides a challenge. It effectively targets both the upper and lower rectus abdominis muscles, while also strengthening the lower back muscles and tightening the quadriceps.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to performing the V-Up exercise:

  1. Begin by lying face up on the floor, with your legs extended straight and your arms extended behind your head.
  2. Simultaneously raise your arms and legs off the ground, aiming to bring your fingertips as close to your feet as possible, while maintaining a flat back position.
  3. Slowly lower your arms and legs back down to the starting position.
  4. Repeat the movement for the recommended number of repetitions. Remember to keep your arms and legs straight throughout the exercise and avoid using jerking motions while raising or lowering them.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can effectively perform the challenging V-Up exercise, engaging your upper and lower abs, strengthening your lower back, and tightening your quadriceps.


Abdominal Kick

The abdominal kick is a highly intense exercise that focuses on strengthening and stabilizing your abs, particularly targeting the lower abdominals. It is crucial to perform this exercise at a steady and controlled pace to maximize its effectiveness.

Follow this step-by-step guide to perform the abdominal kick exercise:

  1. Lie face up on the floor, with your legs extended straight and your head raised off the floor.
  2. Bring your right knee toward your chest while simultaneously straightening your left leg, raising it approximately 45° from the floor. Place your left hand inside your right ankle and your right hand on your bent knee.
  3. Switch the position of your legs two times, alternating the hand placement accordingly.
  4. Repeat the leg switch two more times, ensuring that your hands remain in their proper placement.
  5. Continue alternating sides by switching your legs while maintaining the correct hand placement for the recommended number of repetitions.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can effectively perform the abdominal kick exercise, focusing on strengthening and stabilizing your abs, with a particular emphasis on the lower abdominals. Remember to maintain a steady and controlled pace throughout the exercise.


Double Leg Lift

The double leg lift is a demanding exercise that targets the often-neglected inner core muscles, providing strength and stability to both the internal and external abdominal muscles.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Begin by lying face up on the floor with your legs together and your arms down by your sides. Lift your legs, ensuring they form a 30° angle with the floor, and point your toes.
  2. Engage your abdominal muscles by pulling them in, then slowly lower your legs towards the floor.
  3. Maintain a flat back and tight abdominals as you lift your legs back up. Repeat this lifting and lowering motion for the recommended number of repetitions.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can effectively perform the double leg lift exercise, targeting and strengthening the often overlooked inner core muscles. Remember to keep your back flat, maintain tight abdominals, and perform the exercise at a pace suitable for your fitness level.



The metronome exercise is an effective method to activate your core muscles through a twisting motion. It specifically targets the obliques and the transversus abdominis muscles.

Follow this step-by-step guide to perform the metronome exercise correctly:

  1. Begin by lying face up on the floor, extending your arms out to the sides to establish a stable base of support. Keep your legs together and lift them towards the ceiling until your legs and torso form a 90° angle.
  2. Lower your legs to the right side, simultaneously twisting your torso and allowing your hips to rotate while keeping your upper torso stationary. Maintain control throughout the motion, ensuring that your feet lightly tap the floor.
  3. Reverse the movement by bringing your legs back to the starting position.
  4. Repeat the exercise on the other side, lowering your legs to the left side while twisting your torso. Continue alternating sides for the recommended number of repetitions.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can effectively engage your core muscles with the metronome exercise, targeting the obliques and transversus abdominis. Remember to maintain control, perform the movement with proper form, and alternate sides to complete your desired rep count.


Mountain Climber

The mountain climber exercise is a high-intensity movement that effectively strengthens the upper body while providing a challenging cardiovascular workout. It specifically targets the core muscles and aids in burning calories, helping to reduce excess belly fat.

Follow this step-by-step guide to perform the mountain climber exercise:

  1. Start in a high plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart, resting your arms on the floor, keeping your feet together, and maintaining a straight back.
  2. Bring your right knee towards your chest, while keeping your left foot grounded on the floor.
  3. Jump and switch your feet in the air, bringing your left foot forward and your right foot back.
  4. Continue alternating your feet as quickly as you can while maintaining proper form and safety throughout the exercise.

Perform the mountain climber exercise for the recommended number of repetitions, pushing yourself to maintain a challenging pace.

By incorporating the mountain climber exercise into your routine, you can enhance upper body strength, engage your core muscles, and burn calories to support your goal of reducing loose belly fat.


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