Bees Have Been Declared The Most Important Living Thing On Earth

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Bees Have Been Declared The Most Important Living Thing On Earth

Only four years of human existence are possible if the bees die out. If there weren’t any bees, there wouldn’t be any way for fertilization to occur, meaning no plants, animals, or humans.

The Importance of Bees

The Science Times claims that bees perform 70% of the world’s pollination. Although bees have various uses, their primary function is in pollinating plants so that they can continue their species.

Without pollination, these plants wouldn’t last long. An equally intriguing conclusion was reached by researchers at the Apiculture Entrepreneurship Center of the Universidad Mayor (CeapiMayor) and the Apiculture Corporation of Chile (Cach), with funding from the Foundation for Agrarian Innovation (FIA). Unlike every other living thing, bees don’t spread disease by harboring bacteria, viruses, or fungi.

Despite this, bees are now on the endangered species list, with a substantial drop in their numbers seen globally. Over the course of just a few short years, 90% of the world’s bees have been wiped out.


Causes of Bee Decline

Probably the biggest reason for their demise is the unchecked use of pesticides. The absence of trees and blossoms may also be to blame. While keeping a close check on the health and welfare of bees, activists are now calling for an urgent halt to the use of pesticides and a shift toward more natural agricultural options.

Similarly, Greenpeace has chimed in on the debate, noting that ‘commonsense efforts’ may be taken to safeguard bee populations worldwide. Protection of pollinator health would need measures such as the abolition of the seven most harmful chemicals, the restoration of ecological agriculture, and the preservation of wild habitats.

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How Can We Protect Bees

To rephrase, sustainable agriculture is crucial to the protection of bee populations. Ecosystem diversification and the elimination of monocultures would be necessary. In addition to protecting bee populations, this strategy can be used to minimize the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides while restoring soil nutrients through composting. When these conditions are met, bee populations can be rebuilt, pollination rates can rise, and crop yields can increase.

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