10 DIY Vertical Garden Ideas That You Will Find Helpful

2 min

The lack of space is the major problem facing gardening lovers. Having no adequate space or not having space at all will prevent you from practicing gardening. The best solution to overcome this issue is by going vertical. Vertical gardens require no floor space and they are as pleasant as outdoor gardens. Besides, vertical gardens are extremely ornamental. In this post, we will display some of the best vertical garden ideas that will help you practice gardening as well as adorning your place.

DIY old pallet vertical garden

One of the prominent features of vertical gardens is their inexpensiveness. Vertical gardens do not require any special materials. They could be made even of old pallets.

DIY garden with recycled plastic bottles

If you don’t have any pallets around your place to use for a vertical garden, you surely have some plastic bottles. Plastic bottles can be cut, hang and implanted.

Wooden vertical garden

This is one of the best and the most decorative vertical garden ideas. This idea will allow you to garden and it will cover any corner or wall you are satisfied with.

Shoe organizer garden

This is definitely a creative vertical garden idea. Turning your shoe organizer into a vertical garden will give you the space you need for gardening.

Plastic bottle vertical garden

This is another excellent way to make a vertical garden out of empty bottles.

PVC pipes planters

Vertical gardening is considered the easiest way to garden. It makes accessing your plants and taking care of them easier and it is not hard to come up with a vertical garden idea. Anything could be used as a material for a vertical garden, even pipes.

Hanging pots garden

If you prefer the old-fashioned way, you could plant your plants in pots and then hang the post on a wall or a fence. It is easy and effective.

These are the easiest vertical garden ideas that could duplicate to create enough space for you to garden. Besides helping you overcome the space issue, these vertical gardens are effective. Most plants grow and thrive better when they are grown vertically.

enjoy gardening and let us know which vertical garden is your favorite

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