Garden Pond: Maintenance In Winter

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Garden Pond: Maintenance In Winter
Garden Pond: Maintenance In Winter

Winter is approaching and the temperature of the water in the pools will inevitably drop over the weeks. Now is the time to prepare them for a bad season. Here are some tips and actions to take for effective maintenance of your water feature.

Rid the pond of dead leaves

In the last weeks of fall, regularly pick up dead leaves that have fallen from the water using a lawn broom or dip net. Also cut off dead stems and dried parts of water plants or banks as well as the yellow leaves of water lilies.

The leaves that have not been picked up and plant waste gradually transform over the winter into a mud that settles at the bottom of the basin. All these inputs, rich in nitrates, create an imbalance that risks leading to a proliferation of green algae the following year.

Easy to set up in small and medium-sized pools, the fine mesh netting effectively retains dirt on the surface.

Garden Pond: Maintenance In Winter

Protect the pool from freezing

In areas subject to frequent freezing, it is vital for fish respiration that part of the water surface remains free of ice. A few floating objects (plastic bottles or cans, a polystyrene sheet, etc.) prevent a complete grip.

The volume of ice can also put too much pressure on the walls and damage the pool.

In the case of above-ground basins, such as half-barrels, for example, it is advisable to surround the container with winter protection: bubble plastic, old doormats or carpets …

Pumps that do not have an anti-freeze system are removed from the water and wintered in a dry place.

Garden Pond: Maintenance In Winter

Protect the exotic plants in the pond

Exotic aquatic plants fear freezing. With the cold, they turn into boiling water and unnecessarily dirty the surface and the bottom of the basin.

Remove water lettuces or water hyacinths to store them all winter in an aquarium kept in a warm place.

Cyperus and Papyrus are more resistant to cold. However, they must be driven deeper into the water so that their neck (the junction point between the stem and the roots) does not get caught in the ice.

Don’t hesitate to remove any pots and grow baskets containing delicate plants. Let them drain for a few minutes and then clean them before taking them away in a bright situation (minimum temperature of 12 ° C). Keep their clods moist all winter.

This advice is given in support of the Santonine nursery, a specialist in aquatic plants.

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