How to Grow Ylang-Ylang in 5 simple easy steps

3 min

how to grow Ylang-Ylang

The Ylang-Ylang tree, just like the Sugar Apple, is a member of the  Annonaceae family. This tree is an extremely low maintenance tree that originates from Southeast Asia. This tropical tree is known for producing highly fragrant flowers in pale green. If you want to learn how to grow Ylang-Ylang tree, you will find all the needed instructions below.

Ylang-Ylang is mainly grown to adorn gardens. They are beautiful and they spread their pleasant odor in your garden making it very refreshing and attractive. There are many other uses of this plant including creating magical oil.

Ylang-ylang oil is known for its health benefits. It has a magical ability to relieve stress, anxiety, depression and blood pressure too. It also heals wounds and prevents hair fall. Go ahead and keep on reading to learn how to grow Ylang-Ylang.

1. Planting

how to grow Ylang-Ylang from seeds

You could either plant the Ylang-Ylang from seeds or cuttings. However, it is highly recommended that you propagate this tree from seeds. Soak the seeds for several hours before you plant them. Once they are soaked, drill an at least 1/8 inch holes to sow the seeds in them.

Sow one single seed in each hole. Leaves some space between the holes as Ylang-Ylang does not like crowded space. The seeds will germinate in four months. However, if you provide enough care, it could take less than 4 months.

2. Soil

Ylang-Ylang requires a good quality acidic potting soil. For best results, you should use well-draining soil. Add a well-rotted manure to improve the quality of the soil. You should also keep the soil moist, this will help accelerate your plants’ germination.

3. Position

Since it is a tropical plant, it prefers a sunny position. Choose a spot where your plants are exposed to full sun daily. Although this plant is a sturdy plant that can grow in partial shade, it is advisable that you don’t grow it in partial shade as it will bloom lesser.

Humidity is also important to get the best results. If you plant Ylang-Ylang where the humidity level is good, it will bloom all year round and it will produce highly aromatic flowers. Besides, humidity helps it thrive.

4. Watering

This fantastic decorative plant requires occasional watering.  You should water it every few days when it needs water. You can know whether or not it needs water from the soil. Poke your finger 1 to 2 inches deep in the soil and if it is dry water, if it is not dry don’t water in order to avoid watering.

5. Fertilizing

Use a balanced bloom fertilizer to fertilize Ylang-Ylang monthly. You will fertilize it only for late spring to late summer. Apply half the recommended dose of balanced bloom fertilizer or any other fertilizer that contains little or no nitrogen. Nitrogen promotes foliage growth rather than blooming, thus, try to avoid it.

6. Caring for Ylang-Ylang

Since it is a rain-forest tree, it may grow up to 12 meters if it is grown outdoors. Just like any tall tree, you should regularly prune in order to retain its shape. It is stem is not very strong therefore it is recommended that you protect it from winds.

7. Diseases and pests.

how to grow Ylang-Ylang

The best feature of this is that it is resistant to diseases and pests.

8. Growing in containers

how to grow Ylang-Ylang in containers

It is possible to grow Ylang-Ylang in containers. First of all, you need to choose a dwarf variety that does not grow tall. ‘Cananga fruticosa’ is the best variety to grow in containers. Its height won’t exceed 2 to 3 meters. It produces fragrant flowers but they are not as fragrant as tall varieties ‘ flowers.

This variety is an excellent idea if you don’t have space available in your garden. It is also ideal to grow indoors as long as you allow to access sunlight daily. If you are planning to grow it indoor, choose one of these amazing decorative containers.

Follow these instructions and within four months your garden will be decorated by an extremely attractive and fragrant flower. If you wish to adorn your garden with fragrant flowers, check out these amazing best smelling decorative flowers. You could also read about these fabulous black flowers and these stunning ornamental flowers.

Enjoy gardening and let us know if you need more tips.

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