How to Renovate Your Lawn Step by Step Guide!

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How to Renovate Your Lawn Step by Step Guide!
How to Renovate Your Lawn Step by Step Guide!

Renovating your lawn or lawn gives it a boost of youth and vitality! Here are the right things to do.

Summer with its periods of drought and winter with its frosts, are difficult times for your lawn. Depending on the quality of your soil and the amount of sunlight in your garden, this operation should be repeated regularly, every 2 to 3 years.

How to proceed ?

We must first clean the lawn to renovate using a selective weedkiller or an anti-moss product, from organic farming in order to preserve our soil.

After 15 days, mow your lawn, setting the cut as low as possible.

Then remove moss, felting, stubble and weeds killed by the herbicide by scarifying .

The space thus freed can then be reclaimed by new grass seeds. Seed the most bare areas with renovation sod.

Cover with potting soil, to allow good root development and good fertilization of your soil. Then, pass a roller to push the seeds well into the soil. Finally, water copiously.

After 4 to 6 weeks, add a special granulated lawn fertilizer. This type of fertilizer has a long and progressive action on your lawn and will help you to obtain a very beautiful, green and dense lawn.

When is the best time to renovate your lawn?

The ideal times to renovate your lawn are fall and spring. During these periods, growth is most vigorous, which accelerates the process of renovation.

However, periods of heavy rain should be avoided.

You can renovate your lawn until the end of September without any problem.

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