Buzz Off! 7 Natural Remedies to Safely Defend Against Bees, Wasps, and Hornets

3 min


Looking to get rid of bees, wasps, and hornets without harming the environment? Discover a variety of natural methods that can help keep these beneficial yet bothersome insects at bay, particularly during outdoor activities.

While coffee is one of the simplest and most effective methods, there are several other remedies worth exploring. Instead of relying on chemical repellents, opt for these 6 highly effective natural remedies to eliminate bees, wasps, and hornets:


Coffee, a simple and readily available ingredient, has gained recognition as the most effective method for deterring bees, wasps, and hornets.

Prepare this magical solution effortlessly by placing coffee powder inside an aluminum container, a metal stopper, or an aluminum foil wrapper.

When ignited with a lighter or a match, the coffee burns slowly, emitting a potent smoke that repels these buzzing insects. While the aroma may be pleasant to us, it is utterly unpleasant to bees and wasps.

By strategically placing the coffee container on a windowsill or in the garden, you can revel in the freedom of the outdoors without their unwelcome presence. The coffee’s slow-burning nature eliminates the need for frequent maintenance or refueling, providing lasting protection.



One of the kitchen remedies that can come to the rescue is garlic. By utilizing powdered garlic and mixing it with water in a sprayer, you can effectively eliminate wasps and other bothersome insects in no time.


Essential oils

For a fragrant and potent solution, consider using essential oils as a remedy. Laurel essential oil stands out for its strong repellent properties, while eucalyptus, lavender, and particularly citronella oil, commonly used to repel mosquitoes, are also effective against bees and wasps.

To disperse the aroma throughout your home, add a drop of essential oil for every square meter using a room diffuser. This not only repels insects but also leaves your house smelling delightful. You can also apply a few drops of these essential oils to clothing or skin to keep insects at bay.


Camphor balls or mothballs

In addition to the aforementioned remedies, camphor balls or mothballs can also serve as effective solutions for deterring bees, wasps, and hornets. These harmless products can be placed in bags and strategically positioned near doors or windows to keep other bothersome insects at bay.


Citrus and cloves

For an affordable alternative to essential oils, try this effective and natural home remedy for wasps. Simply cut a lemon or lime in half and stud it with cloves. It’s not only a cost-effective solution but also a fun activity to engage in with kids. The resulting aromatic fruit serves as a charming air freshener too.

This traditional method has been used for centuries to repel not only wasps but also flies and mosquitoes. The scent of the fruit and cloves acts as a mask, making it harder for wasps and other insects to detect the scent of people and food, effectively deterring their curiosity.



Cucumbers prove to be highly effective as well. Instead of discarding the skins, you can repurpose them by placing them in your garden or on windowsills for optimal results.



Ammonia can also be utilized as an effective remedy by spraying it in key areas. However, it’s important to note that its strong smell may be unpleasant not only to insects but also to humans.


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