8 Surprising Reasons Why Security Window Film Is Necessary

5 min


Glass can be a great building material, but it’s often the weakest part of a home’s exterior. Whether it’s a window or a door, most glass doesn’t do much to stop would-be thieves, kids who like to explore, or strong storms. The good news is that security window film can make glass stronger.

Check out these surprising reasons to see why window security film is often a good idea and sometimes even necessary.

Stop people from breaking in

Let’s start with the surprise: Window security film, like this BDF 8-millimeter clear safety film from Amazon, won’t stop a determined burglar from getting into a home. But this film can stop a quick break-in because it sticks to the glass and keeps it in place if it breaks. The thicker the film, the less likely it is that someone will break it on purpose.

Think about this: A thief walks up to a normal double-paned window and hits it with a hammer. When the glass breaks, they can use the hammer to pick up all the pieces, reach in, and open the window. This doesn’t take long.

With a security window film on it, the glass breaks but doesn’t fall out. The thief can’t break the glass as quickly, so it takes them longer to get to the lock and open the window. This longer timeline might make them think twice. And this method is much cheaper than putting in a new window that can withstand strong impacts.


Protect the house from storms

Natural disasters like storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes can be hard to predict. The wind can pick up loose things like patio furniture, planters, or tree limbs and send them flying through the air. They can easily break through the glass around a door or window, which could hurt someone inside.

With security film on the windows, the glass will be able to withstand much harder hits without breaking. Furthermore, the film can control spalling, which occurs when an impact sends tiny shards of glass through the air, posing a serious safety risk to anyone in the home.


Keep children safer

Kids will be kids, no matter what. They’ll throw things around the house, jump on the furniture, and try to do gymnastics inside. Any of these things could break a window, making it possible for someone to fall and definitely making a dangerous mess inside the house. When security window film is put on the windows, it adds a level of safety that can give parents peace of mind.

Window security film will make it harder for a flying Matchbox car or Barbie’s horse jumping at an equestrian competition in Malibu to break the window. They will also keep kids safer by keeping hands, elbows, and heads from breaking windows during impromptu wrestling matches.


Contain active pets

Type “how often do dogs break windows” into Google and see what comes up. Reactive or high-energy dogs often break windows. Security window film can help prevent broken windows, escapes, and expensive vet bills. If they hit the glass because they are scared or trying to get away, it is less likely that the glass will break and hurt them.

Remember to put this film on storm doors, too. When a reactive dog turns the corner and sees a letter carrier or delivery person at the front door, it is likely to make some bad choices.


Keep “sporting” accidents to a minimum

When parents tell their kids to go outside and play, the chances of windows breaking seem to go up by a lot. Whether it’s a sword fight with oak limbs, a home run in the bottom of the ninth, or a rock shot from a slingshot that misses its target and flies toward a window, these things can easily break a standard window that isn’t protected with security window film.

When you protect your windows, you don’t have to worry as much. Yes, a rock can still break a window with film on it. But the glass won’t break into small pieces or fall out of the window. This means that homeowners don’t have to fix the glass right away, but can do it when it’s convenient for them.


Avoid workshop mistakes

The windows in the garage or workshop are just as important as the windows in any other part of the house. When bringing long boards in or spinning them around in a small shop, DIYers can easily break or shatter a window. Also, hitting tools that slip out of the user’s hand or heavy-duty nails that fly off a board and into a window can cause damage if the glass isn’t protected by security window film.

Security is another good thing about workshop window film. Even first-time do-it-yourselfers have tools worth hundreds of dollars that are easy to steal and sell. This makes garages a good place for thieves to look. If they want to get to those hand and power tools, they will have to do more than just break a window.


Minimize UV rays

UV rays can hurt you in many ways. As they pass through window panes, they can fade curtains, furniture, carpets, and even wood floors. This is especially true for things that are in front of south-facing windows because they get sunlight all day.

A lot of window security films block UV rays. These films block UV rays, which keeps the things in front of the windows looking as good as ever and makes the windows safer and more secure.


Improve privacy

Windows are great for seeing what’s outside, but not many people realize how much they can show off what’s inside. A little privacy can go a long way, from keeping people and children safe to keeping valuables safe. Some window security films can give you that privacy.

Many of these products have tinted colors that make the window look darker, like this BDF 8 millimeter light black security film from Amazon. This makes it harder for people on the outside to see through the window. Others can look like shiny, high-impact mirrors to people walking by on the street while still letting people inside see clearly outside. This film will protect against shattering, but it will also make it hard for people who want to steal to find targets.


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