Top At-Home Workouts for Burning Lower Belly Fat (VIDEO)

1 min

Top At-Home Workouts for Burning Lower Belly Fat

Everyone strives for a flat stomach and a toned abdomen. Exercise and dietary considerations are both necessary for this end. Today, we’ll show you the best exercises for at-home workouts that will help you lose lower belly fat and strengthen your abs. If you are more into structured exercise programs and don’t want to simply walk every day, this is something you can do.

It is recommended that you perform three sets of each exercise with 15 reps. If you’re not a beginner, aim for 4-5 sets of 20-25 reps of each exercise. Then you can do more than 5 sets, or you can increase the rep count to 50 per set, or you can do both.

Oblique Bench Crunch (15 reps / each side)

You should start by keeping your thighs vertical while resting your knees on a bench (or a chair).

You should then raise your head and chest off the floor. Now, turn your torso to the right and reach for your right knee with your right elbow.

Repeat on the other side.

Knee Tuck (15 reps)

First, lean back so that only your butt touches the bench (or the floor). Then, use your hands to keep your balance as you pull your knees toward your chest.

Reverse Crunch (15 reps)

Begin by lying down on the bench (or the floor) with your knees bent and your toes touching the bench (floor).

After that, grab the bench with your hands at your head level to support yourself, and keep your shoulders fixed throughout movement.

Then, on the downward movement, bring your knees to your chest while engaging your entire core muscles and allowing your feet to lightly touch the bench.

Toes-To-Ceiling Hip Raise (15 reps)

To begin, you must lie flat on the bench. Then, for balance, hold the bench with your hands.

Next, raise your legs as high as you possibly can while keeping them straight, and your hips and shoulders should be off the bench.

Begin by lying down on the bench (or the floor) with your knees bent and your toes touching the bench (floor).

After that, grab the bench with your hands at your head level to support yourself, and keep your shoulders fixed throughout movement.

Then, on the downward movement, bring your knees to your chest while engaging your entire core muscles and allowing your feet to lightly touch the bench.

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