Say Goodbye to the Muffin Top – 6 Best Exercises

3 min


We know you’re not slacking off when you say you don’t have time to hit the gym, so we’ve devised a series of workouts that won’t take up much of your day and don’t necessitate any expensive or specialized gear or clothing—just your body and some determination.

This routine can be done in the privacy of your own house while everyone else is sound asleep, and it only takes 25 minutes.


To begin this exercise, lie face down on the ground with your legs outstretched, then point your toes while placing your hands beneath your shoulders, and then lift yourself up into a plank position. Then, keeping your core firm and your back flat, bring your left knee near your right elbow. Then pause and carefully return each to the starting point before repeating with the opposite side and keep alternating.


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