You Want to Lose Your Belly Fat? Try These Five Awesome Exercises!

2 min

You Want to Lose Your Belly Fat Try These Five Awesome Exercises!

Good news for you if you are one of those people who are too busy with their lives to squeeze in some physical activity.

If you want to be in shape, you don’t need to waste time at the gym because you can get the same effects by working out at home.

If you only have a few minutes a day to work out, we have the perfect plan for you!


First, assume a pushup position, with your upper body in a straight line from your elbows. When you lift your toes and hold this position while taking deep breaths, you may feel your muscles tensing and preparing to contract. Strengthen and stabilize yourself by contracting your buttocks, distributing your weight evenly between your legs, and bending your elbows.


Plank knee to elbow

Get into exercise position by resting on your back with legs stretched out. After that, get into the plank posture by forcing yourself up. In an effort to keep a flat back and a tight core, bring your left knee to your right elbow.

Take a second to pause, and then circle back around to the original starting point. And then do it 10 more times on the flip side.

Plank knee to elbow

Mountain Climber

Get into the plank position and raise your left knee to your chest; switch sides and repeat with your right knee, looking like you’re climbing a ladder.

Mountain Climber


Put your hands behind your head and sit on your glutes so that your body forms a 45-degree angle. However, as you straighten your right leg, you should draw your left knee in toward your right elbow. After finishing one side, you must switch and repeat the motion on the other side to finish a rep.



Begin by getting into a horizontal position with your legs propped up against a wall. Try to hold this position and then, with a curved back, reach down and touch your toes with your fingertips. Make sure your core is engaged while completing this action and you should feel a wonderful burn in the abdominal region. And keep trying till you get it wrong!

Note: As you can imagine, it’s not simple to go from being overweight to having a flat stomach. Moreover, even the best-laid plans for physical activity alone are not adequate. If you want to get rid of your belly fat and reveal a toned, attractive midsection, you also need to focus on your food.


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