16 Beautiful Black plants and flowers to add a unique dramatic effect to your garden

5 min

Black is the most beautiful and elegant color. It is the most favorite color for all celebrities and stars. Unlike what is commonly thought, black is not a sad color. In fact, it is an absolutely decorative color. Having black plants in your garden will give it a stunning dramatic look.

However, we should first explain that black plants are not necessarily black. They could be dark purple, deep burgundy, maroon or red. In other words,  Black plants are very dark plants. These plants and flowers will definitely make your garden admirable.

Black plants, especially when grown next to bright plants, are extremely decorative. They will draw attention to the beauty and the diversity of your garden. Check out these beautiful black plants and tell us how beautiful you think they are.

1. Tulip ‘Queen of Night’

Tulip ‘Queen of Night’

This flower has a deep maroon color if you look closely. However, if you are a bit far, it looks completely black. It is an excellent choice to add some drama to your garden. This particular tulip variety is extremely astonishing. It has a beautiful shape and of course a beautiful color. Besides, it is a low maintenance plant that is easy to grow.

If you are looking forward to creating a stunning garden, you could grow bright color plants such as white and pink tulips next to your dark tulip. They will blend well together creating a rare attracting view.

2. Petunia, Sophistica Blackberry Hybrid

Sophistica Blackberry

There are many varieties of Petunia. The darkest varieties include ‘Black Velvet Petunia’ or ‘Black Cat Petunia’. However, these varieties are expensive and hard to find. Therefore, Sophistica Blackberry is a better choice as it is widely available and it is not expensive.

Sophistica Blackberry is a very beautiful decorative black plant. Besides it is easy to grow. They don’t require a lot of care and they can be grown in n window boxes, pots, beds, and borders.

3. Helleborus


Its scientific name is “Onyx Odyssey”. This flower is very popular for its noticeable dark burgundy or nearly black color. It blooms beautiful and even if it does not, it remains an extremely alluring ornament. This flower is also a low-maintenance flower. It only requires a sunny spot and a moist soil.

4. Viola


Viola is also known as “Molly Sanderson”. This is another adaptable black flower that you can grow either in containers or in the ground. They are charming especially when they are surrounded by bright plants or flowers.

5. Iris


Iris or “Before the storm” is a popular plant for decorating gardens. What makes this plant unique is that it comes in every known color. The “before the storm” variety is the darkest among them. Besides being highly decorative, Iris is also slightly fragrant. It will release a beautiful scent that makes your garden joyful. For growing this plant, you will need to provide it with a well-drained soil and place it in a sunny position.

6. Physocarpus Opulifolius

Physocarpus Opulifolius

This is a remarkable plant. It combines two contrasting colors. It has white flowers and deep burgundy foliage that looks black. It is a sturdy plant that tolerates a lot of bad conditions including poor a soil quality. To conserve its beauty, it advisable to grow it in partial shade if you live in a hot area. Hight heat could turn its foliage to green which will ruin its beauty.

7. Black Baccara Rose

Black Baccara Rose

This is definitely one of the best and most elegant black flowers. Just like any other variety of roses, this rose is fragrant and it releases a very beautiful smell. Opting for Baccara rose will not only dramatically adorn your garden, but also will make it a pleasant smelling garden.

8. Hollyhock


Hollyhock is also known as “Nigra” for its extreme dark color that looks almost black. It is a remarkable decorative plant that looks completely wonderful in any garden.  It is also an adaptable plant that can be grown in a variety of climates.

9. Black Beauty ‘Elderberry’

Black Beauty ‘Elderberry’

It is widely known as Sambucus nigra. It is an exceptional addition to any garden. This decorative is extremely decorative as well as it produces edible fruits. In fact, its fruits are not only edible but also juicy and tasty. Moreover, when it flowers, it becomes fragrant.

10. Calla Lily

Calla Lily

Calla Lily is also called the “Black Star”. It is one of the most used flowers for decoration. It comes in dark purple that looks like black. It also has a beautiful green foliage. This flower is a low-maintenance flower that can be grown in containers or in the ground.

11. Black Mondo Grass

Black Mondo Grass

This is a lovely plant to grow in your rock garden or to grow in pots for decoration. This plant is unique. It is dark green during spring and it changes its color to purple-black during summer. It is a low growing plant that does not exceed 12 inches tall.

12. Dahlia ‘Arabian Night’

Dahlia ‘Arabian Night’

Although it is a purple-red flower, it looks black in dark.  It is one of the most adorable and admirable flowers. It is widely popular as a decorative flower, especially in Europe. It is easy to grow Dahlia, they don’t require much attention, a full sun is needed though.

13. Colocasia


This plan is also known as “Black Magic”. It is really a magical plant. Colocasia is an extremely stunning plant. It is big, beautiful and low-maintenance. It has dramatic big and dark purple-black dusty leaves that make it the decorative centerpiece of any garden. This magical plant requires a warm climate to grow and thrive.

14. Coleus


Coleus is an outstanding decorative black plant. It is widely popular. It is used for both indoor and outdoor decoration. Many gardeners decorate their gardens with it because of its striking foliage.  It is a tropical plant that requires a warm climate to grow and thrive.

15. Heuchera


Heuchera or Obsidian is definitely one of the most alluring black plants in the world. It is a perfect choice if you want to decorate your garden with a black unique remarkable foliage. What makes this plant exceptional is that it is fit to grow in all season and it is beautiful in all seasons. You can grow Heuchera in borders, in flower beds or in containers.

16. Bat Flower

Bat Flower

The Bat flower is also known as Tacca chantieri, is one of the most beautiful flowers in the word. It is a highly exotic decoration. Unfortunately, this flower is rare so coming across one would be extremely difficult.

These are the best and the most beautiful black plants and flowers to use for decorative purposes. Any plant or flower of this selection will definitely add a unique dramatic touch to your garden. It will make your garden outstanding. Besides, most of these plants and flowers are low-maintenance, they won’t consume much of your time.

Enjoy yoyr dramatic distinguishable garden.

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