Top 11 Natural Techniques to Remove Upper Lip Hair at Home

7 min


Both men and women have hair on their upper lips a lot of the time. Stress, a bad diet, or changes in hormones can cause more hair to grow than usual. In this article, we look at some easy, natural ways to get rid of hair on the upper lip.

Note: The natural remedies below will temporarily get rid of hair on your upper lip. If you want permanent hair removal treatments or medicines, talk to a professional or health care provider. Read on to find out more.

Why do women get hair on their lips?

Hirsutism, or hair growth in women that isn’t wanted, can be caused by a number of things, including hormones, genes, or a mix of the two. Typically, around 5-10% of women have hirsutism. No one knows what causes this condition, and research is still going on.

Here are some natural home remedies that can help you get rid of hair on your upper lip. Take a look!

Turmeric and Milk

In a scientific study, curcuma oil from a plant in the turmeric family was found to slow the growth of hair in women’s armpits. So, turmeric might help stop the growth of hair on the upper lip.

You Will Need:

1 tablespoon of turmeric
1 tablespoon of water or milk

How to:

Apply the turmeric powder on the upper lip after combining it with water or milk.

Let it sit for 30 minutes.

Once it’s hard, rub it gently and wash it off.

*Do this once every couple of days for two weeks.

Be careful: If you are allergic to dairy, don’t use milk in this remedy.

Even though this probably won’t get rid of all the hair in the treated area, it might slow its growth.


Egg White

Egg white has a texture like gelatin, which makes it a great mask that you can peel off. If you put it on your upper lip, it may pull the hair out of its follicles. This can make it easy to pull out fragile strands. But this remedy might not work as well as other ways to get rid of hair on the upper lip.

You Will Need:

1 white egg
1 teaspoon of cornflour
1 teaspoon of sugar

How to:

Mix the egg white, cornstarch, and sugar together.

Mix the ingredients together until a sticky paste forms.

Apply the paste to the area above your upper lip.

After about 30 minutes, you can peel it off.

*This should be done twice a week.



Gelatin can be used as a peel-off mask because when it is mixed with a liquid, it sticks together. Once it gets sticky, its ability to stick could help get the hair out of its follicles.

You Will Need:

1 tablespoon of unflavoured gelatin
1½ tablespoons of milk

How to:

Mix the gelatin and milk together in a bowl, then heat the mixture for 10 to 12 seconds in the microwave.

The warm paste should be put on the upper lip.

Once it’s dry, gently pull it off.

*Every two weeks, do it.



Sugar is often used as a painless way to get rid of hair. It not only gets rid of unwanted hair, but it also stops it from growing back. It will also help smooth the skin by getting rid of dead skin cells.

You Will Need:

2 tablespoons of sugar
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
A soft piece of cloth

How to:

Heat the sugar for a minute in a pan.

Stir in the fresh lemon juice until a thick liquid forms.

Let it cool down first.

Apply the mixture of sugar and lemon juice to the upper lip area.

Cover the paste with a piece of cloth. Move around in a circle.

Quickly pull it off in the opposite direction of how your hair grows.

*Use this remedy when you need to.


Yogurt, Turmeric, and Honey

When you mix yogurt, honey, and turmeric, you get a smooth, sticky mixture that can help you get rid of the hair on your upper lip that you don’t want. This scrub gets the hair on your upper lip out of its follicles.

You Will Need:

1 teaspoon of honey

1 teaspoon of yogurt

A pinch of turmeric

How to:

In a bowl, mix the yogurt, honey, and turmeric.

Use this paste to rub the upper lip.

Wait around 15 to 20 minutes. Rub it off with care.

Use cold water to clean the area.

*This should be done twice a week.



This is one of the simplest and easiest ways to get rid of hair on the upper lip. When the pack is put on, it loosens the hair follicles, making it easy to pull out the hair when the mask is peeled off. This method, on the other hand, is based on stories and not on science.

You Will Need:

1 tablespoon of flour made from wheat
1 tablespoon of milk
A touch of turmeric

How to:

Mix everything together to make a thick paste.

Apply the paste to the area above your upper lip and let it dry.

Once the mask is dry, slowly peel it off.

Run water over the area.

*Use this pack every 3–4 days to get rid of hair.


Lemon And Sugar

One normal way to get rid of upper lip hair is to use lemon and sugar.

The acid in lemons has bleaching properties and makes the hair on the upper lip lighter (4).

Sugar helps remove dead skin cells and loosens hair follicles, making it easier to pull out hair.

You Will Need:

1 lemon
1 tablespoon of sugar

How to:

Squeeze the lemon, then mix in the sugar. Stir it well until a paste forms.

Use the paste on the upper lip as a whole.

Give it 15 minutes to dry, then wash it off with water.

Use this paste every other day.

Caution: If your skin is already dry, you should not use this remedy because lemon can make your skin even drier.


Sugar Waxing

The sugar paste will pull hair out of its follicles because of how sticky it is. This will slow down hair growt. Chamomile calms the skin and helps fight inflammation. It will help bring down the slight swelling in your skin after you wax.

You Will Need:

4 bags of chamomile tea
2 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of lemon juice
Water Popsicle stick
Waxing strip

How to:

In a saucepan, boil the chamomile tea bags in water.

Take the pot off the burner. Let the tea bags sit for about half an hour.

Throw away the tea bags and only pour half a cup of tea out.

Pour a cup of water into a pan. To the chamomile tea you just made, add some water.

Add the lemon juice and sugar. Stir well.

Let the ingredients boil for a few minutes. Just wait until the color changes.

Take the pan off the stove and pour the mixture into a bowl. Let the wax on the sugar cool down. Don’t put it on your skin when it’s hot, and be careful not to burn yourself.

Spread it on your upper lip with a Popsicle stick.

Put a strip of wax on it. Hold it for a few seconds, then quickly take it off. Make sure to pull against the direction the hair grows.

*Use this treatment depending on how fast your hair grows.


Honey and Lemons

One natural way to get rid of upper lip hair is to use honey and lemon.

Honey acts like a mild wax and helps pull hairs out of their roots. Lemon can help make the hard-to-wax hairs lighter.

You Will Need:

½ tablespoon of lemon juice
1 tablespoon of honey
Warm water

How to:

Mix honey and lemon juice together and put it on your upper lip.

Give it about 15 to 20 minutes.
Soak the cloth in warm water. Wring out the extra water, and then gently wipe off the honey-lemon paste with this.

Use water to wash your face.

*Do this twice or thrice a week.


Potato Juice

The ingredients in this pack might help open up clogged pores and pull upper lip hair away from the skin when scrubbed off. There are some anecdotal signs that potato is a bleaching agent. This might make the stubborn hairs lighter.

You Will Need:

2 tablespoons of lentils that are yellow
1 tablespoon of juice from potatoes
1 teaspoon of honey
1 tablespoon of lemon juice

How to:

Soak the lentils overnight in water.

In the morning, strain them and grind them with the fresh potato juice and lemon juice (from a grated potato).

Mix the honey well into this paste.

Apply this to your upper lip and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes.

Scrub off the paste once it has dried.

Use water to wash your face.

You can use this mask to get rid of hair all over your face.

*Do this twice a week.



How to:

Soak the lentils overnight in water.

In the morning, strain them and grind them with the fresh potato juice and lemon juice (from a grated potato).

Mix the honey well into this paste.

Apply this to your upper lip and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes.

Scrub off the paste once it has dried.

Use water to wash your face.

You can use this mask to get rid of hair all over your face.

*Do this twice a week.


Milk And Corn Flour

The mixture of cornstarch and milk will stick strongly to your skin, and when you peel it off, it may take your hair with it.

You Will Need:

1 teaspoon of cornflour
2 teaspoons of milk

How to:

Mix the ingredients into a paste and put it on your upper lip.

Let this mask dry, and then slowly pull it off.

*Do this twice or three times a week.


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