Money tree plant care: 4 Vital tips for the survival of this decorative houseplant

4 min

Pachira Aquatica, commonly known as the money tree, is one of the most popular houseplants.  Money trees plants are low maintenance decorative plants. They are extremely beautiful and alluring. Caring for a money tree is not a difficult task, it just requires certain conditions to grow. These conditions are cited in this money tree plant care article.

Money tree plant originates from Mexico and northern South America. The tree usually grows to reach 60 feet in height, but, the decorative varieties are smaller. Besides being a beautiful ornamental plant, what makes this tree popular is the myth that revolves around it. It is said that this tree brings luck and wealth to its owner. Below, you will find detailed instructions to help you care for your luck tree.

1. Choose an adequate location to grow your plant

Money tree plant care

Choosing the right location for your money tree is a crucial factor that plays a huge role in the growth of this charming plant. There are certain conditions that the location you should fulfill. Among these conditions, the most important ones are indirect light exposure, protection for cold and heat, and good humidity levels.

Receiving indirect sunlight is a decisive factor in the survival of money trees plants. Direct sunlight is harmful to money trees. It scorches their leaves leading to fatal results. Therefore, keep your money tree away from sunny windows and choose a spot where your plant won’t be exposed to direct sunlight.

Since it is a beautiful ornamental tree, you could place it on a stand in your living room or bedroom. This way, you will decorate your room and keep your luck plant safe.

In addition to avoiding exposing your plant to direct sunlight, you should also provide it with a moderate temperature. Excessive heat and cold are deadly to a money tree. Money trees like temperatures that range between 60–75 °F, hence, keep your tree away from windows,  heat and air conditioning vents.

Humidity is also an extremely important factor you should take into consideration.  A lot of humidity is required for the survival of money trees. For gardeners living in dry climates, it is recommended that you set up a humidifier to raise humidity levels.  To measure humidity levels, you should get an indoor humidity monitor. Don’t worry, it is cheap.

When you notice that your tree’s leaves are falling or getting dry, it means that your money tree became dry. Watering will not help with dryness, you will need to raise the humidity levels. If you have a humidifier, turn it on and leave for a long time, longer than usual. You should also move away from your plant any heat vents.

2. Watering

Money tree plant care

Watering carefully is a significant element of money tree plant care. Before you start watering your plant, don’t forget to put a tray under your container to prevent the water from leaking into your house from drainage holes. You should also check your plant before watering. When the top 1 to 2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) layer of soil is dry, you can water your plant, otherwise, wait until it gets dry.

Overwatering cause root rot which will eventually lead to the death of your plant. Therefore, it is vital for your plant that you don’t water it unless you check the top layer of soil first. Once you have checked your plant and you have realized it needs watering, water it until the water starts to leak from the drainage holes.

When the water starts to drain out of the hole into the tray, it means that your plant got enough water and you can stop watering it. Wait some minutes until the water is completely drained out of the post into the tray. Then, remove the tray underneath your container to avoid root rot. Leaving your plant sitting in water is an excellent way to kill it. Empty the tray and then return it to its place under the container.

During the winter, you should water your decorative money tree less frequently.  Since winter is dark and there is not much light, this plant tends to grow less, thus, it requires less watering. When you check the water for watering, and even if it is dry, wait more couple of days then water it. Keep watering in this method until the springs come, then you could go back to regular watering.

3. Pruning

Money tree plant care

Trimming off dead and damaged leaves is important to keep your money tree plant healthy and nicely shaped. You should not pick off the unwanted leaves, but rather you should cut them off the stem with a scissor or a sharp knife. Trimming off dead and damaged leaves is not compulsory, but it helps your plant preserve its green thus preserving its decorative beauty.

You could shape the money tree in any shape you desire. Just imagine any shape in your mind then cut off the unwanted leaves to obtain the shape you want. Money trees are usually shaped round, but it is possible to reshape yours to give it a square or triangular shape.

Pruning should be conducted during winter or spring. Pruning aims mainly to keep money trees small. Therefore, if you want your plant to get bigger, avoid pruning it. You could use a scissor, a sharp knife or pruning shears to cut off unwanted growth.

4. Fertilizing

Money tree requires seasonal fertilizing. For best results, fertilize your tree 3 to 4 times per year during spring and summer since this tree tends to grow during these two seasons. Therefore, these two seasons are the appropriate time to fertilize your plant.

The best fertilizer to use with money tree is a liquid fertilizer. Since money trees are not heavy feeders, use only half the recommended dose. Using a full dose it too much for the plant and it will lead to drastic results.

This is how money tree plant care should be conducted. Following these tips will ensure that your tree will grow and survive for years. If you are interested in decorative houseplants, check out this amazing selection of the most beautiful flowering houseplants.

Enjoy caring for your money tree




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